9 ways to use bulk candles in a cafe, bar or restaurant with examples and cost calculation for each option.

Candles on the table

Vase 3.5 x 7.5 inc – $10
Wax in a vase 400 grams – $16.99
Wick in wax 5 cm – $0

Bulk candles in the cafe are lit when guests arrive. At the same time, the candle can already be on the table or it can be placed in the presence of guests. After use, the candle is updated. By the arrival of the next guests, a new candle is placed on the table.

The table shows the approximately cost of burning bulk candles per month. For example, a different number of tables and the number of hours of burning per day are indicated.

Number of tables12 tables27 tables46 tables
2 hours/day$135$270$405
4 hours/day$303$607$911
6 hours/day$517$1035$1552

Candles on the window

Vase 3.5 x 7.5 inc – $10
Vase 3.5 x 9 inc – $10
Vase 3.5 x 10.5 inc – $10
Wax “Lova” 11 lbs (5 kg) – $99

Candles are lit in the evening. They burn until the end of the restaurant and at the end are updated. The next day, new candles are left until dark as decoration.

Below is the approximately cost of burning bulk candles per month. For example, a different number of windows and the number of burning hours per day are indicated

Number of windows3 to 3 candles5 x 3 candles7 x 3 candles
4 hours/day$202$303$405
6 hours/day$337$506$675
8 hours/day$472$708$954

Candles on the floor

Vase 4 x 6 inc – $10
Vase 4 x 8 inc – $10
Vase 4 x 10 inc – $12
Vase 4 x 12 inc – $14
Wax “Lova” 11 lbs (5 kg) – $99

Candles illuminate secluded areas of the restaurant where sunlight cannot reach. Candles burn all day or evening. At the end they are updated and waiting for the next evening.

Below is the approximately cost of burning bulk candles per month. For example, a different number of clusters on the floor and the number of hours of burning per day are indicated.

Number of clusters3 to 4 candles5 to 4 candles7 to 4 candles
4 hours/day$270$405$540
6 hours/day$450$675$900
8 hours/day$630$945$1260

Candles at the entrance

Vase 4 x 6 inc – $10
Vase 4 x 8 inc – $10
Vase 4 x 10 inc – $12
Vase 4 x 12 inc – $14
Wax “Lova” 11 lbs (5 kg) – $99

Bulk candles in the cafe illuminate the entrance. They are lit when the sun goes down. They burn until late at night, after which they are renewed.

Below is the approximately cost of burning bulk candles per month. For example, a different number of clusters on the floor and the number of hours of burning per day are indicated.

Number of clusters2 to 4 candles4 to 4 candles6 to 4 candles
4 hours/day$180$270$360
6 hours/day$360$540$720
8 hours/day$540$810$1080

Candles at the window

Vase 4 x 10 inc – $12
Vase 4 x 12 inc – $14
Vase 4 x 14 inc – $16
Wax “Lova” 11 lbs (5 kg) – $99

Candles attract the eyes of passers-by and add soulfulness to the restaurant.
Candles are lit in the evening. They burn all evening, illuminating the street and the interior of the restaurant.

Below is the approximately cost of burning bulk candles per month. 

Number of clusters1 to 3 candles3 to 3 candles5 to 3 candles
4 hours/day$67$101$135
6 hours/day$202$303$405
8 hours/day$337$506$675

Candles in the fireplace

Vase 4 x 6 inc – $10
Vase 4 x 8 inc – $10
Vase 4 x 10 inc – $12
Vase 4 x 12 inc – $14
Wax “Lova” 5 kg – $99

Candles complement real fireplaces and enliven decorative ones.
Light candles in the evening or on a cloudy day.

Below is the approximately cost of burning bulk candles per month. 

Number of candles5 candles7 candles9 candles
4 hours/day$112$168$225
6 hours/day$157$236$315
8 hours/day$202$303$405

Candles on the bar

Vase 4 x 6 inc – $10
Vase 4 x 10 inc – $12
Wax “Lova” 1.7 lbs (800 g) – $28.99

Candles are a bright hint of strong drinks.
The candles are lit by the bartender every evening and are renewed the next day.

Below is the approximately cost of burning bulk candles per month. 

Number of clusters2 to 2 candles4 to 2 candles6 to 2 candles
4 hours/day$90$135$180
6 hours/day$180$270$360
8 hours/day$270$405$540

Candles on the shelf

Vase 4 x 6 inc – $10
Vase 4 x 8 inc – $10
Vase 4 x 10 inc – $12
Wax “Lova” 3.4 lbs (1600 g) – $56.99

Candles will demarcate and expand the space at the same time.
Candles burn all evening.

Below is the approximately cost of burning bulk candles per month. 

Number of clusters2 to 3 candles4 to 3 candles6 to 3 candles
4 hours/day$135$202$270
6 hours/day$270$405$540
8 hours/day$405$607$810

Candles on the stairs

Vase 4 x 6 inc – $10
Vase 4 x 8 inc – $10
Vase 4 x 12 inc – $14
Vase 4 x 18 inc – $20
Wax “Lova” 55lbs (25 kg) – $500

Climb the stairs solemnly.
Bulk candles in the cafe illuminate the exit to the second floor all evening.

Below is the approximately cost of burning bulk candles per month. 

Number of candles15 candles30 candles50 candles
4 hours/day$337$506$675
6 hours/day$675$1012$1350
8 hours/day$1125$1687$2250

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